Posts etiquetados ‘Augmented reality’

These days we are doing some interesting posters with an special layer of Augmented Reality. This project consits in applying an interactive layer on the poster children created in class.

First we do de posters in groups, 2nd they choose and check links or interesting websites to add to their posters and finally y put them toguether with an aumented reality program.

First of all we need de app LAYAR we can find in this link and download on your tablet of smart phone.

Then you scan the class poster. Open it in a new window. This one.

2014-02-27 16.42.19

And finally scan this picture of the poster with the app layar camera and you will see this.

The links and voice you listen are the children. AWESOME

2014-03-01 21.13.49

These days we are working with Augmented Reality and it’s a really and original way to show our projects and designing skills in three dimensions.
The drawings and models you can download from this website and the final effect is this that you see in the video an in the photos.Clic on the ColAr website to check how it works and use the different models.
If you want to pay for other models or markers you have to pay to see the animation, but there are some for free which are really good.
These are some of the examples we did in class today.