Archivos de la categoría ‘Living things’

This morning has been different! 6th grade students have visited the Medicine School of Valladolid. They have learnt many interesting things about what doctors normally research and how they carry out their experiments with rats, mice, worms and bacteria. After the laboratories, we went to the anatomy museum to see a huge variety of human and animal models, tools, bones and many cool stuff that we have studied before.

We really appreciate the time some teachers and doctors have spent on us. Thanks so much!

Here you can enjoy our experience with some photos:



Plant & Animal cell GAMES!!!

Publicado: octubre 4, 2016 de fersanjo en Cells, Living things

Some free time to review? «Put your knowledge into practice»!

Click on the image


Slow Life from Daniel Stoupin on Vimeo.

Extrange living things in LAS MORERAS

Publicado: febrero 14, 2014 de Nacho Herrero en Living things

There is an extrange living thing attached to one tree in Las Moreras park of Valladolid, by the river Pisuerga. Here you can see and check the photos.

What’s this?

Write your answers in the comments.

This is a perfect representation of a the transforming cycle that suffers a butterfly.
From a worm to a butterfly.

Rotten Lemon and bread. Molds and living things. 5ºEP

Publicado: enero 9, 2014 de Nacho Herrero en Cells, Living things

This is an example of the «lemon project» one of your partners did at home.

Anwer your questions between you using the comments.

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And this is the bread after 12 days inside a plastic bag.

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Looking after our stick insects. Ecosystems

Publicado: noviembre 27, 2013 de Nacho Herrero en Living things, Plants

Now we have to be careful with the food they eat. At the moment they are eating rose plants, but they only eat the leaves. We must clean them well to remove the pesticides and chemicals they have before giving them to the bugs.

Some of our children clean the leaves.

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And this is one of the parents

We will introduce more information in the main poster.

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After few days to get ready the soil, the terrarium, and the correct conditions for this small ecosystem we have introduced the stick bugs. This is a big family with two parents and nine sons.

There are many conditions and characteristics that you must know to look after them.

First of all they eat rose plant leaves, they must have a temperature between 21º and 27º C. and at the moment they are living in one of the terrariums. If this family grows we will have more of them in other terrariums in the school.

Here you can see more information in spanish if you want.


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Caring for stick insects

Keeping stick insects as pets can be great fun for everyone. Some species are very easy to keep, while others pose more of a challenge to the real insect enthusiast. For everyone there is a nice species to keep, but all species require care. This page will take you through all the basics of caring for any stick insect species.

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Publicado: noviembre 19, 2013 de Nacho Herrero en Arts & Crafts, Living things, Posters, School Activities

During these days the children have been creating an excellent water ecosystem for tropical fish. Of course we did the first steps and now we have to wait to have the big fish you will see in this video. The fish you see at the end of the video lived in the same acuarium last year. In the «arts and crafts» classes we decorated the posters for the instructions and now we are ready to write more things…

Now it’s your turn if you want to look after them. Be careful with the Acid levels, the temperature (always between 24-25º C) and feed them correctly.
We will create some more ecosystems.

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2013-11-15 11.05.07

What’s an Ecosystem. 5ºEP Science

Publicado: febrero 8, 2013 de Nacho Herrero en Living things, Science 5º

Here you can see different ecosystems and the difference between populations and community in an ecosystem.

This is the best way to show you how an ecosystem works with the different trophic levels.