Unit 3. Muscles & Bones: Test questions

Publicado: noviembre 27, 2014 de fersanjo en Musculoskeletal system, Science 6º

Click on the pictures, watch the videos and answer the questions!

  1. paula bachiller dice:

    I can’t do this But is very good

  2. Celia Rodríguez dice:

    I like the question a lot they are very good

  3. Marta Heras dice:

    The exercises are very good.

  4. rodrigo carravilla dice:

    i think that some people (no me) put the wrong answers intentionally but I think that was very interesting resolv this answers i reccomend this exercises

  5. Isa Garcia dice:

    this questions are very interenting and very usefull to study this unit

  6. Teresa dice:

    The exercise are so good I like it, It´s a good way to practice at home…

  7. Teresa dice:

    You can learn new things..It´s so good I like to do this exercises (becouse is a way to comment in the blog..)

  8. Samuel Martín dice:

    The video is nice I think they explain very well and the questions are good!

  9. Elvira dice:

    I like them also¡¡

  10. Elvira dice:

    But they are very easy👍😜

  11. the exercise is relly good and for stay healthy you have to know how to do de exercise good


    The video is really good because it saw us how to make exercise good and by💪

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